Tuesday, May 27, 2008

(Not Dead)

Just so's you know.

Hoping to write tonight.

Thank you for reaching back - it truly helps.



Anonymous said...

In the way of most good writers, you make me feel as if I know you. Of course, I don't. But I weep for the part of you that you do share with us and wish you happiness.

Anonymous said...

I've never commented here before, but your words are so raw and somehow restrained that I wanted to say I too feel that pull towards self-inflicted pain. In time, it can be beaten but not easily, and not without loss. But in the end, you have to endure that loss in order break free of harmful patterns in all aspects of your life.

Anonymous said...

Didn't really think you were. Figured you were just busy feeling things. Remember, you have to take care of yourself first before you take care of your audience. All of us will be here when you are ready. RR

Tom Paine said...

Fuck it, let the bitch die....


Well, only if I can have Beautiful Girl when you're done with her....

Anonymous said...

Oh, my friend! I am so pleased you are not dead!

Happy Thursday, Mandy.


Anonymous said...

uh... tempting, tom. but no. thanks.

Tom Paine said...

BG, you haven't experienced love until you've been with a 270+ year-old man....

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I am glad you are not dead. When you need someone to reach out and hug your soul you have my email address. Hugs!